know you can’t over-invest in people.
And organizations that have embraced Change Leadership report savings of millions of dollars through the practice of cost avoidance & risk mitigation.
New change Rules
Invest in people and leverage their talent, skills, and acumen.
People enable success in change efforts.
What worked during times of stability isn't going to work in times of disruption. Be generative and think of the future.
Work through risk-aversion. Disruption is here to stay.
New skills and approaches are required to solving new challenges.
"We invested in making sure different groups were involved from the beginning...[as a result]...a measure of an ROI is the level of excitement about this digital transformation.
For the first time in my 20+ year history, people are excited -- people are giving their blessing and support in the briefings and allocating money and resources ON the spot versus having to think about it.
That's a tangible shift that would not have happened had it not been for the many ways in which you helped us strategize about building our change gameplan."
-- Financial Services Director, 2020
"Why did I wait so long?
I can see that each session's discoveries has built upon the last. I am recognizing what I have been doing on autopilot – and able to intentionally use these practices effectively as a conscientious and intentional leader.
--Chief Information Security Officer, 2020
"[We are] ...a high risk-averse culture, our solution to mitigate risk was to spend grueling hours solving for every possible contingency before moving forward.
You pointed out on several occasions, how our "perfect" recommendations were not getting to the decision-makers timely enough for them to support our ideas. In fact, our perfect recommendations became moot. It is hard to swallow that we had to learn this the hard way, but you were there for us!
You helped us revamp not just how we worked but helped us redefine how iterative methods of refinement is just perfectionism in short, quick, cycles of efforts. Brilliant!"
--Director Digital Transformation, 2019
LETS ROI Formula
( Change Strategy
Change Leadership )
( Cost Avoidance
Risk Mitigation )
Change ROI
In these stormy times, we need informed captains of at the helm of their ships to engage crew members and sail toward productivity and profitability.
Accordingly, we encourage organizations to dispel the negative notions about change and embrace the unlimited benefits that change transformation can yield.