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Change Disruption

It’s easy to understand why change poses such a threat to leaders. Change breeds uncertainty, fear, and stress. Stress from change also triggers our fight/flight response, which compromises our efficiency and productivity in the workplace and the home office.

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Leaders have traditionally tried to avoid change because they fear the unknown and a lack of control. They prefer to stay off “the path not taken” and cling to stability, hoping that their existing business model will continue to work—and that the forecast will remain sunny.


The problem is that the weather forecast calls for stormy conditions. And for business leaders who captain their ships, the dynamics become a lot more complicated—and therisks much greater—when change inevitably becomes disruptive.


Disruptive forces have actually fueled the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) for several years. The acceleration of digital transformation, automation, artificial intelligence, andthe global use of mobile devices is sure to continue. In fact, the forces of disruption will intensify as our confluence of crises persists.

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Don’t Rock the Boat?


Disruptive change has actually vexed organizations for the last two decades. But today it is particularly daunting to even the best of leaders because we are in the throes of multiple sources of disruption.

Indeed, the lingering pandemic and other crises have the capacity to cripple business and society.


In the eye of the storm, do you choose to not rock the boat?


Will you take bold steps to restore calm, stay afloat, and chart a course toward greater prosperity?

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The next normal


Today, in this warp-speed cyber-world, there are multiple disruptions across a wide spectrum of industries. Many of this generation’s technological changes were predictable. But then we were blind-sighted by an insidious pandemic…while other extreme disruptors exploded at the same time.

When disruption hits us on several fronts, navigating change becomes more critical and more complicated.

This is the next normal. 

Next Steps

As a leader, you most likely recognize the need to address how best to deal with the pandemic and other sources of disruption. You know the stakes are high as you explore your options and determine the next steps with your change strategy.  

At LETS, we appreciate the complexities and the enormity of this decision.  

To help you make an informed choice, we’d like to offer you the following...


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Complimentary Consultation session

Because you need an objective review of your business challenges and opportunities related to change disruption, we’d like to provide a free, no-obligation consulting session that focuses on Change Strategy.

complimentary Coaching Session

A unique feature of LETS is executive coaching provided by LETS CEO Quang Le, Associate Certified Coach (International Coach Federation).  Le is pleased to provide a free, results-oriented coaching session that focuses on Change Leadership ™ for you or your leaders.

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Let's talk

Thank you! We look forward to connecting soon!

Government and Non-Profit Clients

Le Transformations gladly accepts Government purchase-cards and individual and group training orders via [SF-182], Authorization, Agreement and Certification of Training.  An SF-182 is a simplified, government-wide mechanism for acquiring training and development services. registration active through March 4, 2025. UEI: QN5RCW4UAMH8. CAGE: 9TSE8.


NAICS Codes: 541611 (Administrative and General Management Consulting), 611430 (Professional and Management Development Training), 541612 (Human Resources Consulting Services)

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